Kiev’s Terrorist Attacks Against Russian Patriots Have The Opposite Effect Than Intended

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Far from dividing the Russian people and turning them against their government, it’s unprecedentedly unifying them after they’ve come to see just how existential this conflict truly is. Average folks realize that those patriotic figures have been right all along with everything they’ve said otherwise Kiev wouldn’t have targeted them in the first place. As a result, their views receive even greater attention in the aftermath of these attacks, thus further proliferating their influence across society.

Kiev just attempted to assassinate journalist Zakhar Prilepin after having earlier killed Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky, which proves that it’s targeting Russian patriots in a campaign of terror. This fascist regime aims to strike fear in the hearts of those who love their country the most and thus deter them rallying their compatriots in support of the special operation. In reality, however, it’s having the opposite effect than intended.

Far from dividing the Russian people and turning them against their government, it’s unprecedentedly unifying them after they’ve come to see just how existential this conflict truly is. Average folks realize that those patriotic figures have been right all along with everything they’ve said otherwise Kiev wouldn’t have targeted them in the first place. As a result, their views receive even greater attention in the aftermath of these attacks, thus further proliferating their influence across society.

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These patriots’ peers aren’t cowered into silence, but inspired to defiantly amplify their assessments of this conflict to show their foes that they’ll never back down in the face of terrorist threats. This reaction isn’t unique to the Russian people but the norm for patriots anywhere across the world. Western society in general has grown soft due to their liberalglobalist elites’ ideologically driven decades-long socio-cultural engineering, however, hence why many from there are so surprised by Russians’ defiance.

This explains why policymakers from that de facto New Cold War bloc, who Moscow regards as responsible for Kiev’s terrorist campaign, wrongly expected Russians to react differently since they were in hindsight simply projecting their own society’s predicted responses onto theirs. These two actually operate according to two very different cultural codes nowadays, which these same policymakers remain ignorant of otherwise they’d immediately order an end to this counterproductive campaign.

They’re unlikely to wise up anytime soon, if ever, since they lack the ability to accept socio-cultural differences due to the influence that liberal-globalism exerts over their worldview. By its very nature, this collection of beliefs claims to be best that humanity has ever thought of, hence why its adherents are convinced that they’re universal and that it’s inevitable that everyone will eventually embrace them. Russian society’s defiant reaction to Kiev’s terrorist attacks, however, discredits this “secular religion”.

Instead of questioning their belief system after its dogmas were challenged by this development, Western policymakers prefer to remain in denial since it’s too difficult for them to admit that the paradigm through which they view the world is wrong. The same holds true for their Ukrainian proxies, whose more explicitly fascist beliefs that openly espouse the so-called “inferiority” of the Russian people are just a different flavor of the same liberal-globalist ideology but are equally discredited by this too.

It’s therefore expected that they’ll continue colluding to carry out more terrorist attacks against Russian patriots since those two will probably never realize how counterproductive this is to their interests. All that they’ll achieve is strengthening their targeted society’s solidarity and encouraging more visible expressions of support for the special operation, including pleas for the Kremlin to formally declare a state of war, which a growing number of people sincerely hope will soon happen.

Source: (1) Kiev’s Terrorist Attacks Against Russian Patriots Have The Opposite Effect Than Intended (