Russia’s Winter Offensive – Where will Russia attack from next? 

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There are many talks, predictions and analysis by everyone on how Russia will do it’s winter offensive. Or would it even happen? And with the change in leadership structure for the Russian Special Military Operation, the winter offensive is looking really likely to happen soon.

DPA believe the 3 deputy commanders of the SMO will be split into managing 3 fronts, with each taking full charge of one front.

Surovikin is likely to carry on his “good work” on the Eastern Front that the fighting is currently raging.

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Oleg Salyukov, whom is the commander of all Russian ground forces, is reported to be visiting troops in Belarus. Which is a signal that he would be in charge of the Northern Front.

But we do not think Belarus would want to change the status quo, and thus the invasion from the north is unlikely to come from Belarus, but from Russia itself.

Alexei Kim, would then naturally be in charge of the southern front, with either an amphibious operation in the western part of Odessa oblast, or east of Odessa in the Mykolaiv oblast, OR, to start a Zaporizhzhia Offensive towards Zaporizhzhia city through to Dnipro city.