Trudeau Is A Plant Of Globalists | Trudeau Gets RATIO’d Over Ukraine Funding | Trudeau Caught Lying About Calling Vaxx Mandate Protesters

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must have thought he was engaging in some fun back-and-forth with the citizenry when he posted a video on Twitter asking for questions. Except Trudeau wound up getting wildly ratio’d, in part over his support for sending untold billions to Ukraine while so many Canadians remain in dire need at home.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Canadian Rumble host Viva Frei about Trudeau’s epic ratio-ing as well as the nation’s dramatic rise in assisted suicides.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must have thought he was engaging in some fun back-and-forth with the citizenry when he posted a video on Twitter asking for questions. Except Trudeau wound up getting wildly ratio’d, in part over his support for sending untold billions to Ukraine while so many Canadians remain in dire need at home.

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Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Canadian Rumble host Viva Frei about Trudeau’s epic ratio-ing as well as the nation’s dramatic rise in assisted suicides.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau threw every epithet he could at the truckers protesting vaccine mandates, calling them racist, misogynistic, xenophobic and who knows what else. Later he tried to backtrack and pretend he HADN’T said those things but, unfortunately for him, there is video evidence we can all see for ourselves. Just because he was speaking French doesn’t make it any less offensive.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss with popular Rumble host Viva Frei the way Trudeau labeled as “misogynistic” women who refused to take the COVID vaccine because of its effect on the menstrual cycle.