Alex Christoforou: Mariupol city center. NATO targets China. Trucker strike in Spain.
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Graham Phillips: Russian Soldiers in Ukraine as you’ve NEVER seen them before
Source: (26) Graham Phillips - YouTube Bypass the big tech censors and help support us - get uncensored news and updates, please subscribe to our...
Gonzalo Lira: The USA is Committing Suicide Bypass the big tech censors and help support us - get uncensored news and updates, please subscribe to our newsletter![newsletter_form type="minimal"]
Secret Plan to Send 10,000 NATO “Peacekeeping Troops” Into Ukraine
A secret plan for a “peacekeeping mission” involving 10,000 NATO troops from different countries entering Ukraine and imposing a limited no fly zone is allegedly...
Fiat Currencies Melt Down While Food and Fuel Inflation Unleashes Sudden Poverty for Billions (Who Will Soon Face Worldwide Famine)
It’s happening more quickly than I had predicted. Although I’ve been openly predicting a global uprising due to skyrocketing food and fuel inflation — which...
Belarus and Poland making moves. Ukraine coup rumours heat up
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