
De-dollarization is growing: Even the US Federal Reserve (reluctantly) admits it

Countries around the world are seeking alternatives to the US dollar. IMF economists say de-dollarization is "broad-based". The Federal Reserve reluctantly admits that it is ...

Western Empire Facing Same Collapse as Rome in its Final Days: Martin Armstrong

Martin Armstrong sees striking similarities between the multitude of crises that plague the modern world and the conditions just before the fall of the Roman ...

BRICS in ‘Final Stages’ of De-Dollarization Mission – New Non-Dollar Global Payment System Confirmed

It will not be much longer before BRICS fully de-dollarizes its membership ranks, and eventually the entire world. At a meeting this week in Russia, ...

BRICS Currency Announced! Is it Gold Backed?

we look at Russia’s announcement of an official BRICS currency. There has been speculation and rumors of this currency for some time, and one major ...

BRICS to Create Blockchain-Based Payment System – Putin Aide

The BRICS group of emerging economies plans to create a payment system based on digital technologies, Yury Ushakov, a senior foreign policy aide to Russian ...

After TWO years of Lopsided Western Analysis, the TRUTH is OUT: Russia Wins!!!

This series of developments reflects a significant underestimation of Russia's economic resilience and adaptability in the face of concerted Western efforts to undermine its economic ...

Western SANCTIONS turned into a Practical JOKE by RUSSIA

The mechanism by which Russia circumvents international sanctions to procure Western technology for military applications is a masterclass in itself. It involves a sophisticated and ...

Sanctions? What sanctions? | Russian banks post record profits

So, what have we found out two years after placing unprecedented sanctions on Russia? Well, the Russian economy doesn't seem to care (like, at all) ...

American Economy Running on Fumes as Consumer Debt Binge Reaches Ominous & Historic Fever Pitch

Cost of living in the United States is so out of control that consumers are going into debt like never before in the nation’s history ...

Analysis: BRICS Shifting Global Dynamics: 20 More Countries Set to Permanently Ditch US Dollar in 2024!

The shifting global dynamics that are set to reshape the international trade landscape in 2024 and beyond. Prepare to witness a significant departure from the ...

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