Medvedev warns warns US Proxy War using Ukraine against Russia will give birth to anti-U.S. military bloc | ‘Fed up of America’

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Russia predicts a “new anti-U.S. military alliance” amid rising pro-Putin voices. Dmitry Medvedev, the ex-Russian president and deputy chair of the Security Council, says the prolongation of hostilities in Ukraine “will lead to a new anti-U.S. military bloc.” Medvedev suggested that the bloc will unite nations “fed up with the Americans.”

The Kremlin characterises what is happening as a proxy war between Russia and the U.S.-led NATO alliance rather than merely a conflict with Ukraine. Two NATO nations, Hungary and Croatia, have openly voiced their support for Russia. Hungary has asked the West to review its sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine war. Croatia, like the Kremlin, claims that “NATO is waging a proxy war against Russia.”