Russians Advance On All Fronts | Summer Offensive Accelerates | Military Summary

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In the direction of Lyptsi, the Ukrainians launched an attack on the village of Hlyboke. While the attack on the village was unsuccessful, the Ukrainians apparently secured the forest line in front of the village. In Vovchansk, the Russians are bombarding the high-rise area with everything they have. From the village of Tykhe in the east, the Ukrainians are attempting to break through the Russian defenses after recapturing the village. In the direction of Siversk, the Russians have expanded their positions west of the village, now controlling both entrances to the town. In the Kanal district of Chasiv Yar, the Russians are reported to have captured more buildings, although this currently lacks visual confirmation. In Urazhaine, the Russians stormed into the village with three armored vehicles, but it is unclear how far they have advanced there.