Climate Change Pitch Meeting 😂
Climate Change Pitch Meeting— Harrison H. Smith ✞ (@HarrisonHSmith) February 20, 2024 A globalist minion tries to sell the everyday man on climate alarmism...
The Climate Change Religion: How Long Before Human Sacrifices?
History teaches us that some ancient civilizations killed their children to change the weather. They used to practice child sacrifice to appease their gods in...
Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus”
Climate scientist Judith Curry, once the darling of environmental advocacy groups, says the doomsday consensus around climate change is “manufactured”. In a bombshell interview with John Stossel,...
Globalist “Climate” Regulations Will Strangle Humanity Into Submission
Alex Jones details the nefarious globalist agenda to use a fake “climate crisis” as the next excuse to lock down society and implement a digital...
Nobel Prize Winners Issue Emergency Warning: Globalists Planning to Murder 7.5 Billion People
Alex Jones covers the following article that tears apart globalists’ fake ‘climate crisis!’
We Are Not Breaking Temperature Records: See The Proof MSM Lying To Terrorize Public
In a headline out of the dystopian film “Idiocracy,” mainstream media pushed climate change propaganda by running articles about a man who died in Death...
The Climate Crisis that Never Was: 🤥Exposing Global Warming Lies 🌦️The Climate Crisis that Never Was: 🤥Exposing Global Warming Lies
Dozens of Climate Models Wildly Exaggerate Extent of Global Warming
Further evidence has emerged that climate models are useless for the purpose of forecasting future temperature rises. A recent survey using American summer temperatures (June, July, August)...
They Want To Arrest and Jail All “GlobaI Warming Deniers”
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PJW: Prince Charles is an Idiot… and so is Jeff Bezos
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