Trump to U.N.: “We Reject the Ideology of Globalism”
Related: How the UN Joined America’s War Against Syria by Eric Zuesse [Video] Project Veritas Says They Have 'Big Tech' News Coming Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: "Truth...
How the UN Joined America’s War Against Syria by Eric Zuesse
America has been at war to transfer control of Syria over to the Saud family, who own Saudi Arabia; and America has been trying to...
[Video] Project Veritas Says They Have ‘Big Tech’ News Coming
James O'Keefe - Project Veritas Project Veritas James O'Keefe joins Alex Jones to detail his latest released videos unmasking Deep State globalist slowing down Trump's policies....
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “Truth Is Evaporating Before Our Eyes”
On September 17, I posted my column, “Evidence is no longer a Western value.” I used as an example the blame that has been put...
[Video] Infowars Full Show – Rosenstein The Rat Falls Into Trump’s Trap As He Continues To Drain The Swamp – 24 Sept, 2018
Another woman is accusing President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault; but this time, she reportedly came forward because “Senate Democrats came looking” for...