S. Africa President confirms BRICS summit to be physical despite US threats | Ghanaian Politician Issues Stern Warning to US on Potential Anti-LGBT Sanctions

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South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced that the upcoming BRICS summit will be held in person. This means that all heads of state from the BRICS countries, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, will be physically attending the summit.

Outspoken Ghanaian politician Sam George, known for his strong opinions and fearless demeanor, has delivered a stern warning to Western powers who might be contemplating sanctions against Ghana due to an impending anti-LGBTQ bill. In a bold move, he drew a compelling parallel to the recent actions of the United States, pointing out their targeting of the Speaker of Parliament in Uganda following the passing of their own anti-LGBTQ law. He declared that if America dares to follow suit, Ghana will retaliate by shutting down American businesses within its borders.

Sam George further exposed the glaring hypocrisy of America, highlighting their failure to impose sanctions on the Secretary of Defense despite contradictory events during Pride Month. Astonishingly, the U.S. Secretary of Defense obstructed and prohibited a transgender parade on a U.S. Air Force Base, claiming a lack of endorsement from their own defense headquarters, the Pentagon. Governor DeSantis of Florida passed legislation targeting openly transgender individuals. So why hasn’t the American government taken decisive action against its own citizens?

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