Beijing denounces US as fake peace-lover that gets involved in almost all conflicts & wars globally

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Macau Monthly: On March 20, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that China, instead of even condemning Russia, would rather provide diplomatic cover for Russia. What’s your comment? 

Wang Wenbin: China is not responsible for creating the Ukraine crisis. We are not a party to the crisis, and has not provided weapons to any party to the conflict. The US is in no position to point fingers at China, still less deflect blames on us.

The US says it wants to stop wars, but it has been involved in virtually all the conflicts and wars in Europe and indeed around the world with only few exceptions. The US says it wants to defend peace, but the world has seen no US effort yet that is actually meant for peace, as it continues to pour weapons into the battlefield.

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Just as President Xi stressed, on the Ukraine issue, voices for peace and rationality are building. Most countries support easing tensions, stand for peace talks, and are against adding fuel to the fire. The US should view objectively the efforts of China and the wider world to promote peace talks, rather than hold on to the Cold War mentality, still less be a factor in the protraction and escalation of conflict.