Russia’s new T-14 Armata tanks spotted in the zone of the special military operation

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Russia’s state-of-the-art T-14 Armata tanks were seen in the zone of the special military operation in Ukraine.

Russian Spring military correspondents shared a video of an Armada tank in action.

T-14 Armata tanks were seen at training grounds in the southern regions of the Russian Federation in December 2022.

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Military expert Alexei Leonkov said that Armata tanks used real shells during live tests. This is the practice that no other country in the worlds follows, he said.

Russia’s new Armata tank is a six-zone combat vehicle. All other enemy tanks will find it very difficult to destroy the new Russian tank, especially if Armata has the support of new infantry combat vehicles armed anti-tank guided missiles.

The 60-ton Armata tank has a 1,500 hp engine. The power-weight ratio of the new tank is 25 hp per one ton of weight, which is a very good indicator. The tank develops the speed of 70 km/h.
